Homework Assignments
Week 1
Implement a HashTable. Resolve collisions with linear chaining using linked list. No need to implement linked list (assume it's already there). Assume keys and values to be Integers. The class should have the following:
hash(x) // returns hash value of x
set(key, value)
get(key) // returns value for key. Throw exception or return NULL if it doesn't exist
Implement a Trie (aka Prefix Tree)
Class Trie {}
trie.insert(word) // inserts word into trie
trie.delete(word) // deletes word from trie
trie.contains(word) // returns true if word is in the trie, false if it doesn't exist
trie.isPrefix(word) // returns true if word is a prefix, false if it isn't
trie.allWordsWithPrefix(word) // returns list of words that have the given prefix
Week 2
Implement a singly linked list. Class should contain:
removeFirst() // removes first element in the linked list
removeLast() // removes last element in the linked list
removeAt(Location) // removes node at location
insert(Node, Location) // inserts node at specific location
reverse() // reverses a linked list. Do it in O(1) space
Graphs, graphs, and graphs!
Implement Depth First Search and Breath First Search using Adjacency matrix.
Write a function to count connected components in a graph
Write a function that takes in a directed graph as input. It should output true if any cycle exists and false if no cycles exist.
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